IPDS | Blacklists | Create

POSTED ON 15 May, 2019

Creating customized blacklists permits to configure a set of IP addresses and subnets that are specific to your infrastructure and need to apply a deny or allow policy.

To create a new blacklist go to the IPDS > Blacklists section, Create Blacklist option.

The required fields to create a new blacklist are:

Name. Blacklist descriptive name.
Type. Whether the list is obtained from a Local or Remote location.
Policy. Deny or Allow. Deny for blacklists and Allow for whitelists.
Url. This field is only shown if the type selected is Remote in order to set the URL of the remote blacklist that will be automatically downloaded and updated.

Once the required fields are set, click on the CREATE button to generate the new blacklist. Different configuration fields will appear on the next screen depending on the type field configured. They both will be explained in detail in the next section:

Next step, configure your Blacklist.

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