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Globally there are various companies specializing in delivering excellent ADC solutions, but ZEVENET stands out from the rest. ZEVENET offers the easiest and most accessible high availability solutions within the ADC market.[…] does not believe in limitations per core, memory or throughput because its ADC solution performs with the maximum resources available.

Enter ZEVENET! Operating as an R&D elite force, the company provides high-tech networking and security open-core based solutions. … Is providing a disruptive and fresh vision of the networking sector, driven by innovation without limits or vendor locking. They deliver cutting-edge technology that improves user experience.

Since 2012 ZEVENET is working and developing several solutions applied to high availability and security of systems, with a real determined philosophy: to make all kinds of enterprises and government agencies get full accessibility to High Technology; Cybersecurity is not just for big corporations, as all service on the Internet is exposed to hacks or attacks.

Article of TechTimes

Founded in 2012 and based in Seville, South Spain, ZEVENET is a popular open source load balancer that is used by hundreds and thousands of businesses across the world to empower their web infrastructure. It is among the top-rated choices when it comes to minimizing response time and maximizing throughput. Ever since it was launched, the load balancer has been winning hearts through its excellence as Application Delivery Controller (ADC) and as network and services optimizer.

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