What to do before and after a Cybersecurity breach

Posted by Zevenet | 18 October, 2021 | Technical

“You have been hacked!” These are the words that no one wants to hear. But we all know these words are common in the world of digital transformation. Cybersecurity can happen any time, with anyone, and even large companies can become a victim of a cybersecurity breach. So, with the increase of cybersecurity threats throughout the world, it’s important to take important measures to avoid these threats or to minimize the loss. Because we need to understand that few threats are beyond our control. As a part of this digital world, you may get affected or maybe not. However, it is important that you should know the steps to be taken before or after a cybersecurity breach or data breach. So, before starting the discussion on actionable steps you should know the difference between cyberattacks and data breaches

How are cyberattacks and data breaches different?

A cyberattack occurs when someone tries to steal your data or confidential information by electronic means such as a computer or a network. Cyberattacks can target individuals, companies, or groups.

A data breach takes place when someone gains access to confidential information without authorization. The information can be personal or professional. This breached information can be used for illegal work or can be sold on the dark web.

How can you protect yourself from a cybersecurity breach?

Whether you are an individual or an organization, you should take preventive measures to protect your data and network from any type of cybersecurity breach. Here are some steps you can take to protect yourself before a cybersecurity breach:

1. Secure Your Network:

Using a secure network is the first and foremost step to be taken against cybersecurity threats. For securing your network, you should use a password-protected router and strong encryption. Strong encryption ensures the protection of the information shared over the network.

2. Keep Your Software up to date:

Outdated software or browser can cause a security risk that gives an invitation to cyber attacks. To avoid this we should keep our security software, OS, and other software up to date.

3. Use two-factor authentication:

Two-factor authentication enables an extra security layer to your account and prevents your account from being accessed by cybercriminals.

4. Secure your files:

You should take a backup of your important files regularly

5. Use VPN:

A VPN is a virtual private network that protects you from cyber threats. A VPN creates a private network on public connections.

6. Increase knowledge:

Keep collecting the knowledge about the cybersecurity tips that help you tackle cyberthreats in a better way.

7. Identifying Spear Phishing Attacks:

In recent years, phishing attacks are the most effective attack. This attack takes place in the form of a spoofed email. There are lots of ways to identify spoofed emails like:
a) Check the Email Format
b) Do not click on links from an unknown sender
c) Pay attention to web addresses used in email.
d) Stay away from panic emails.

What should you do after a cybersecurity breach?

Even if you are in high alert mode or have taken all precautions to avoid cybersecurity breaches, it’s quite difficult to protect yourself completely from cyber threats. So, you need to prepare yourself for a cybersecurity breach. There are few primary steps you can take after a cybersecurity breach happens:

1. Find out whether data is compromised or not

Once a cybersecurity breach takes place, it’s important that you know if your data is compromised or not.

2. Find out which data is breached

Once you confirm the data breach, the next step is to find out which data is breached. You should monitor your accounts for a few days to find out whether any unauthorized activity has taken place in your account.

3. Change your credentials

You should change credentials to protect your account from any unauthorized activity.

4. Contact the right person

After taking all these steps, you should consult with the right person who has expertise in cybersecurity for further audit.


It’s quite difficult to say when, how, and which type of cyber attack will take place, so it is always better to stay alert and to know the security measures that should be taken before and after a cybersecurity breach. Awareness and knowledge can save you from cyberthreat or minimize the damage if a cybersecurity breach takes place.


Gaurav Pratap


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