
Posted by Zevenet | 16 February 2021

Networking is always facing new challenges and threats and it becomes more and more vital to manage the safest and most accurate tools to provide all the security needed. As...

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Posted by Zevenet | 05 July 2018

Zevenet Team is proud to announce the release 5.0.1 which is mainly based on some improvements and bugfixes that shows a very stable software. Some of the more important changes...

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Posted by Zevenet | 31 March 2016

Dear Zen Masters, We’re proud to announce the release of the brand new Zen Load Balancer Community Edition 3.10 with great improvements and enhancements that will allow to maintain an...

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Posted by Zevenet | 24 December 2015

ZenLB Developers Team are working hard on the upcoming ZenLB Enterprise Edition 4.1, which brings along an improved Zapi, improved user experience through improved configuration forms, improved L4 farms performance,...

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Posted by Zevenet | 30 October 2015

Every year increases the world population connected to the internet, we have more devices connected and life becomes more digital oriented. This means using more digital services and more users....

246 LikesComments Off on Supporting millions of http connections with Zen Load Balancer
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Posted by Zevenet | 23 September 2015

Hi Zen Masters, we announce the latest ZLB stable Community Edition version release which includes: New features: [sys] SNMP system support Improvements: [net] Network connections stats [farms] HTTP / HTTPS...

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Posted by Zevenet | 11 September 2015

Hi Zen Masters! The new Community Edition v3.07 is being developed and tested along the following weeks, visit the roadmap to get details about what is coming: Look forward...

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