Easing availability through Disaster Recovery improvements

Posted by Zevenet | 13 September, 2016 | Announces, Technical

In our challenge to ease availability, we’ve been building a new Disaster Recovery tool that permits to setup a ZNA64 3300 Hardware Appliance in less than 3 minutes using just a Pen Drive. Such tool is able to create custom and already configured firmware files for the Hardware Appliances and restore it in less than 3 minutes.

The procedure is simple:
1. Download the tools from the official website (ZNA Deployment USB image and USB bootable generator).
2. Restore the lastest firmware file from the official website.
3. Configure the appliance with your networking setup, farms services and cluster service required.
4. Restart the appliance with the USB device and perform a load of the device as described in the ZNA 3300 User Manual. With this option, you can restore in less than 3 minutes not only your ZNA firmware, but also, your configuration and reduce the down time in case of Disaster.


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