Monitoring | Farms Stats

POSTED ON 15 January, 2019

This section details all farms and load balancing services statistics configured. It shows a table with the number of current Established and Pending connections for every LSLB farm.
IMPORTANT. The L4xNAT farms with configured STATELESS DNAT do not have statistics to show because this NAT type does not has connection tracking.

The table includes the following columns:

FARM NAME. Farm identification name.
PROFILE. Farm profile of a given farm.
VIRTUAL IP. IP address used by the farm to manage, distribute and create a high available service.
VIRTUAL PORT. Port used by the load balancing service to manage and distribute farm.
ESTABLISHED CONNS. Current established and already assured connections of a given farm. It doesn’t need to mean 1 connection per connected client.
PENDING CONNS. Current pending connections or not already assured connections of a given farm.
STATUS. The STATUS is shown by mean the colour bullets as follow:

  • Green. Means UP. Farm is running and all backends are UP.
  • Red. Means DOWN. Farm is stoped.
  • Orange. Means RESTART NEEDED. There are recent changes that need a farm restart to be applied.
  • Black. Means CRITICAL. The farm is UP but there is not backend available or they are in maintenance mode
  • Blue. Means PROBLEM. Farm is running but at least one backend is down.
  • Yellow. Means MAINTENANCE. Farm is running but at least one backend is in maintenance mode.

The first column with icon Icon expand tableexpands the row with new tables of Backends stats and Sessions stats.
The Backends table details the following information per connected client:

SERVICE. Name of farm service the backend belongs to (only for HTTP farm profiles).
ID. Backend ID in such farm or service.
IP. The real server IP address.
Port. The port(s) number where the real server is listening on.
STATUS. Current status of the backend health check according to the following colour codes:

  • Green bullet. Means Backend is running normally.
  • Orange bullet. Means the Backend is on maintenance mode.
  • Red bullet. Means the farm is up but the backend is not reachable.
  • Gray bullet. When the farm is stopped and the backend is not on maintenance mode the real backend status remains unknown until the farm is started and the the check is execucted.

Established conns. Established connections to such backend.
Pending conns. Pending connections to such backend.

The Farm Sessions table details the following information per connected client. Available for HTTP farm profiles and for L4xNAT farm profiles from version 5.10

CLIENT. ID number of a connected client
ID. Backend ID in such farm or service.
SERVICE. Name of the service to which the client is connected to.
SESSIONID. The type of session ID depends on the method of persistence used. It may be an IP, a COOKIE, an user name…



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