System | Users | Configure

POSTED ON 3 January, 2018

This section allows to change the different settings for every user defined in the load balancer. Two main roles are available: System User and API User.

In order to apply the changes, press on the Apply button.

Configure System User

The system user is currently for root user which is who applies the different configurations in the load balancer. Currently, only a new password can be set.

User. Name of the user to be modified. The user name is not able to be modified.
Current Password. It’s needed to insert the current password of the root user in order to apply any change in the user settings.
New Password. Insert the new password to be set.
Verify New Password. Repeat the new password.

Configure API User

The API users allow to interact remotely to get or modify the different configurations and information from the load balancer. Only authentication settings can be modified for this kind of users.

User. Name of the user to be modified. The user name is not able to be modified.
New Password. Insert the new user password to be set for system level authentication.
Verify New Password. Repeat the new user password for the system level authentication.
Key. When accessing via API, the user doesn’t use the system password just uses this key to authorize the access via API. The button Generate Random Key allows to generate randomly a secure key for you.

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